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The "Viagras" Necklace

Having over 200+ and growing items in the Pour Decisions Bar makes me want to write them all down so I don't forget. So here's the "Viagras" necklace story.

The "Viagras" Necklace
The full story behind the necklace.

Like we all SHOULD know (just kidding) there are over 200 items , each with their own story, in the Pour Decisions Bar right here in Tecumseh, Ontario.

All items mean something to Ben and Bronx as they've been part of his adventure in his offline life. And guess what, YOU can also Ben hold something of yours in the bar by mailing it to him!

Isn't it "Viagra" and not "Viagras"? Yup, you're sure right about that! The trademark is "VIAGRA" and I don't own it.... lol ... The "Viagras" necklace was given to me by my DAD!! Watch the story below 😃

The Story behind the "Viagras" not to be mistaken for "Viagra", the blue pill:

The "Viagras" necklace story.

Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony