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Memories - The heart of the Pour Decisions Bar

At current count, there are over 160 different items in the Pour Decisions Bar that EACH have a their own unique story and come from a different person that I've met in my life journey. Items range from a simple business card, to street signs to strange (and

Memories - The heart of the Pour Decisions Bar
160 memories and growing.. Each has their own story.

At current count, there are over 160 different items in the Pour Decisions Bar that EACH have a their own unique story and come from a different person that I've met in my life journey.

Like "Where's Waldo" with an ADD spin.

Items range from a simple business card, to street signs to strange (and sometimes possessed masks - no joke). The story can be as simple as a one time joke with a friend to a much larger tale, but all the pieces in the bar definitely have a great story on how they found their forever home in the Pour Decisions bar.

It's important to note, that "items" in the Pour Decisions bar don't necessarily have any monetary value at all. The money aspect has NOTHING to do with it, it's all about the "memory" or the "story" that the item has. Money, although important to live, doesn't matter anywhere as much as the person to me. As I'm known to say, I don't care what you look like, doesn't matter on your ethnicity and if you have a fat bank account or not, you're either kind or an asshole. (and I don't deal with assholes, so don't be one)

I have to admit, as I walk into the bar, the clutter and wacky placement of it all always makes me feel at home because in a strange sense, it's how my ADD brain works and thinks. The randomness is me.

I guess one of the biggest questions I'm always asked is if I have a favorite item? I can't say that I do, but I definitely have some favorite crazy stories associated to the items that's for sure.

The "mask" would be one of the items with the most interesting (and maybe creepy to some) that I can think of that lives in the Pour Decisions Bar. This mask was given to me by a girl friend of mine a couple years ago. It belonged to her deceased dad that passed in a very tragic accident. To make the story short, one night, I was alone in the bar and the mask talked to me, yes, talked to me! (Full mask story here if interested).

And some items, like my rubber duck collection were mailed to me by friends I made through Not a Pour Decisions on Facebook. These beauties have a lot of sentimental value to me as they are from my great friend Karen that I met online from Alchemy of Spirit which turned out to be a real world witch that I had the honor of interviewing.

Karen - I STILL love them :)

And some items are just plain hilarious to look at and the story behind them, makes it EVER better... Seriously you can't make this up, these knock off "Viagra" necklace was given to me by my father innocently a few years ago as he thought my kids would love to play with it.

My Italian father, an AMAZING man, isn't really in tune with pop culture and still lives in Italy, came over on a boat for real at 14 years old, didn't realize that this necklace would NEVER be appropriate for a kid so I kept them and proudly display them at the Pour Decisions bar.

Viagras - I guess counterfeiters even misspell.

And this is ONLY the start.. we have still 157 items and growing to talk about so stay tuned as we have LOTS more craziness coming... You just simply can't make this up and it's as if POUR DECISIONS just simply follow me... Oh and if you want something to live in Pour Decisions, send it over.. get the details here. Ben will even talk about it on video on his social channels!

Yup, really you can mail us cool things and Ben will talk about them on video!
Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony