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Positivity Memes - What I do

We all need a bit more positive in our lives.. so let's all feel better by going through my original Ben positivity meme's.

Positivity Memes - What I do
Original Ben Memes- Let's be more positive together!

We ALL need to feel better and YOU know that I also love to laugh, hence why I have a tons of funny original Ben memes too that you should check out as well!

So here goes nothing, I hope these make you know how FRICKEN worth it YOU are to me and everyone around YOU:

all about family.

This one had to be first because it's SO important to understand. Live for you, know your worth it and BE OK with YOUr own story! You are the KING or QUEEN! Don't ever, F'ing forget it!


Very true words that so many forget...

No truer words

We all need to worry less because most of the times, it's just a waste of time.

When YOU are Ok with YOU, everything changes because you will stop putting up with shit YOU don't deserve!


We are ALL stronger than we think if we start believing it... Starts with KNOWING YOUr own worth.

How many times have I said "GO OUT AND DO"... come on.. did it sink in yet?


YOU need to stop blaming others even if they are the problems. Stop accepting them then... Starts with YOU!

Also true :)

Like the channel, are you listening to my message? My perspective? I have ZERO evil in me, and I only want people to smile more, laugh more and know their own worth more!

Sing or whatever makes you happy!

Always starts with YOU! Remember that. YOU should be the ONLY person to control YOU!

Just having some fun.

When ok with your own story, you will never care again....


Remember, whoever you choose to hang out with, will be a HUGE reflection of WHO you are and become so choose wisely.

Never worry about judgement.

Nothing worth while is easy ... remember that! GO OUT AND DO!

Laugh, it's where it starts?

Laugh, it's where it starts..


If you got this far, it was meant to check out my funny memes! What are you waiting for you.. YOU will laugh more!

Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony