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Let's NOT be assholes

Outside beauty means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to me, if you're an asshole. Pardon the French language, but I simply can't be more honest. If you're pretty to look at, but an agonizing miserable mess to be around, guess what, LOTS will look, but that'

Let's NOT be assholes
Beauty is on the inside.

Outside beauty means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to me, if you're an asshole. Pardon the French language, but I simply can't be more honest.

If you're pretty to look at, but an agonizing miserable mess to be around, guess what, LOTS will look, but that's where it ends.

And to be more honest with you, people will treat you exactly like that... "a good time, not a long time" ... Think about that. Is that what you want to be known as?

I don't care how beautiful you think you are.

So be you, and be kind. It's free and there is REALLY no excuse to be awful to anyone for any reason. If someone's rude to you, be the bigger person and walk away. At times people can't help it as we are all fighting a war in our own heads. Kindness starts with you and when you realize that, you will attract what you put out.

And I love "good people" because they give you "good memories". So like my Christmas tree in the Pour Decisions Bar, one of 160+ memories, be awesome:

Don't be an A-hole...

Be kind.. It's truly free.

Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony