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When you find a good...

As the old saying goes... When you find a good man, do whatever it takes to keep him. I saw this meme (or something similar to it) on Facebook one day and I immediately had this video idea: Ok, having fun with this a bit as I believe we all

When you find a good...
When you find a good man, don't let him go.

As the old saying goes... When you find a good man, do whatever it takes to keep him. I saw this meme (or something similar to it) on Facebook one day and I immediately had this video idea:

When you find a good man... keep em! (bonus video content below)

Ok, having fun with this a bit as I believe we all have good in us and if you don't see it, look harder because I promise you, it's there!

But sometimes, we feel that we are NOT "good enough" for this "good person" which is COMPLETE bullshit. If you feel this way, FIGHT your insecurity as it's your internal insecurity that's causing you this doubt because you are VERY worthy... we all are! I promise you that!

upload in progress, 0
Stop being a little sprinkle when you can be the entire storm!

Bonus video: I put this together to give you a quick, behind the scenes process of the making of this video short... it really does take quite a bit of work to make these but when you love what you do, it's not work:

Quick behind the scene look at how I get these videos recorded and edited.

And I'll leave you with this... remember, you never know how powerful a simple "hi" or "how are you" could be to a stranger because we are all fighting some kind of war.. some just hide it better than others so ALWAYS be kind... It's free.. there's literally no excuse.

Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony