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The truth will set you free...

The truth will set you free, but expect an emotional shit kicking first.... Pretty powerful if you really think about it because when we know the truth, we are really pushed into actually dealing with the good, bad or indifferent, if we choose to. We all have a tendency to

The truth will set you free...
The truth can be a very scary thing.

The truth will set you free, but expect an emotional shit kicking first.... Pretty powerful if you really think about it because when we know the truth, we are really pushed into actually dealing with the good, bad or indifferent, if we choose to.

We all have a tendency to run from our problems, or hide them for another day... that doesn't work, TRUST me on this one, you need to deal because it's the only way to move forward and fix your own foundation:

Ben gets real on the subject or Truth.

But doesn't everyone have a heart? How can people be so mean and evil? Technically, yes, everyone has a physical heart. But that doesn't mean they can or know how to use it.

Just because we have a heart, doesn't mean we are all in tune with it.. remember that.

Humans are complicated and with so much "f$cked-upness" (nicest way I can put it), we are all broken in some way.... so look for those that can feel and value you. All relationships need a little "heart" in them, but remember, "self love" is #1.

Without self love, we will continue to let people walk all over us because we are trying to fill that void with someone else's love. That doesn't work for long or well for that matter. Loving yourself is the BIGGEST lesson I wish I could get through all that would listen.

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When you accept this, You can learn to live without so much doubt of being wrong.
Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony