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Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony

Ground zero - When it all began!

WOW! It's been a CRAZY 8 months for Bronx and I this year! We started NotaPourDecision (NaPD) with our first post on March 1, 2023! Since launching, we have released over 600 video's and meme's ! YES... INSANE! Here are some of our favorites from

Ground zero - When it all began!
Where it all began...

WOW! It's been a CRAZY 8 months for Bronx and I this year! We started NotaPourDecision (NaPD) with our first post on March 1, 2023!

Since launching, we have released over 600 video's and meme's ! YES... INSANE! Here are some of our favorites from the first few months. Ps- Remember, most of these original video shorts were recorded using my selfie camera until my buddy Todd the cat asked me WTF I was doing not using the 50MB camera on my Pixel phone at the time... Yes, I can be a dumb ass :)

This idea has been on my mind for a long time because I couldn't get the concept of "splitting everything equally" out of mind after any divorce:

One of my original ideas ... who doesn't like a chain saw and destruction?

Although my memory is pretty good, I for one do not have the best memory for dates which always screws me up, and me saying "I think it was 2 weeks ago", which could mean a few days or months.... so use this tip to NEVER forget your wife's birthday.. or any special occasion for that matter!

Never forget your wife's bday again!

Come on.. who hasn't been in the proverbial "dog house"... well now you can see it live from the Pour Decision bar... The intro sound, I think it originates from a movie called "Holes" from 2003, is one of my favorites so I had to use it somehow and that's how this short starts "Yup, that's me, you might be wondering, how I got..":

Yup that's me, in the dog house!

True story: This meme was inspired by me being a dumb ass and using the 10MB pixel "selfie camera " in my filming for MONTHS until my buddy Todd the cat made a comment about it to me.. Geez, I can be a dumb ass! LOL ... Todd ... thank you!

Half Baked movie - in real life with Ben!

One of my absolute favorites... especially with the memory that my daughter (M) helped me tape this lol! So much fun, pretending that me, as a husband, was ever right :)

Husband and BF are you ever right?

Dating in your 30's PLUS can really suck.. to say the least. So I thought, why not have some fun, having fun with some of the stereo types:

Poor Bronx.. took him on cheap date!

This meme made me laugh, so I thought, why not make a video about it.. I've had step children through previous marriages and I still miss them! So being able to love a step child like your own is possible!

My poor step ladder.

Don't we all forget to put the toilet seat down? Well, yes, but isn't it all about perspective? Maybe women aren't leaving it down for us? (I don't think so, but fun to laugh about either way lol)

Don't forget that damn toilet seat!

I love really ridiculous pop culture films like Scream so why not use it for a good laugh or two! Scream, eat your heart out:

Scream eat your heart out!

Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony