We are all taught that “Failing” is a bad thing but how do we truly succeed without failing first?
I look at failing as a learning experience… And remember, failing at the same thing repeatedly is NOT my advice… I mean failing while trying new things is acceptable because it means we are learning and TRYING. Without “TRYING” , we are not “Doing” and without doing, we will simple stand still.
Talk about failing - I got kicked out of school - This failure SUCKED to say the least.
So, my motto is fail and fail often because how will we ever find what we are truly looking for without having anything to compare it to ?
And without the bitter, how is the sweet going to be sweet? Think about that. If you never experience the "bad", how will you know what's "good"?.
Failing is ok.. I even make fun of it:
The way I look at life is that everything has an opportunity cost. If we are doing A, we can't necessarily do B. So keep trying & failing until you find the perfect for you.
And remember, part of failing is getting back up... Have you ever met someone that's failed that has never given up? Neither have I.... Get pumped up with me:
And remember, we do have 2 lives, until we realize we have 1. Confucius.