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Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony

Daylight savings SUCKS

Daylight savings times just simply BLOWS... Besides barely knowing if I should put my clock back or forward an hour, you then have certain countries, states, provinces that don't change their time which just causes a HUGE shit storm for your calendar. In my day job I work

Daylight savings SUCKS
When I was young... those were the days :)

Daylight savings times just simply BLOWS... Besides barely knowing if I should put my clock back or forward an hour, you then have certain countries, states, provinces that don't change their time which just causes a HUGE shit storm for your calendar.

In my day job I work with people all across the world which causes even more confusion because we usually don't pay attention to what doesn't apply to us, which is not necessarily the best thing either. (Another valuable lesson in life).

And to be honest, I'm sure we've all been, at a point in our life that we wanted to "Turn back time" , but when you really think about it, would that really work? I don't think so, because I think our Pour Decisions, i.e. - our mess ups, don't define us, they make us! So fail and fail often like I demonstrate by using Cher's song, "If I could turn back time":

Ps- I know I'm an awful singer but I still sing because it makes me happy!

Ps- Don't even get me started on actually changing the clocks because each one is different. So if you figured out how to change your clocks, I'm proud of YOU, because I still have troubles with it, hence the meme:

So do I .. don't worry!
Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony