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Water for thought?

Plain and simple, YOU want something to work? Appreciate and work at it. You can't just plant a seed, never tend to it and expect a plant. The seed will need, water, nutrients, sun and tender love and care to grow and flourish... Exactly like us as people

Water for thought?
No wonder the grass is greener on the other side!

Plain and simple, YOU want something to work? Appreciate and work at it.

You can't just plant a seed, never tend to it and expect a plant. The seed will need, water, nutrients, sun and tender love and care to grow and flourish... Exactly like us as people and SO true for relationships.

Unforntately we've become a "throw away society" with both things and people. Look at the abundance of "Dollar stores" that have popped up world wide. The cheap price of an item makes us simply throw it away if it breaks.. why bother try to fix these scissors as they only cost me a dollar?

We all need to care more..

This has spread to our dating world, and from my personal research, even more prevalent with Generation Z daters (born from 1997-2013). This group of people, from what I can gather, have simply accepted a "hook up society". We don't need relationships and everyone and everything is dispensable.

Makes sense - same with relationships. They need attention to work.

You want a relationship to work? Then start cultivating it. But remember, it takes two to tango. So if BOTH parties in a relationship are now willing to compromise and put in the work, you'll end up with a skunky end...

And no one likes "skunky" unless we're talking about Marijuana plants (legal in Canada 😄

Hairy Marijuana!

Bonus knowledge from a Canadian, did you know that there are MORE cannabis/marijuana shops in Canada than Tim Horton coffee shops (The Dunkin Donuts of Canada):

True fact - Canada loves its weed!

Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony