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Three sides to every story

Break ups are always hard. Sorting through the who, when, where, how and why is always a strange experience. And the story will always change depending on the perspective you are getting. Always remember that there are three sides to every story - his, hers and the truth.

Three sides to every story
Never truer words.

Break ups are always hard. Sorting through the who, when, where, how and why is always a strange experience. And the story will always change depending on the perspective you are getting. Always remember that there are three sides to every story - his, hers and the truth.

What does "there are three sides to every story" really mean?. Well to put it simply, it means that no matter what the situation (fight, breakup, divorce, etc..) , unless there is undisputable concrete video evidence (or something similar), there will always be different stories you will hear depending on who's telling you it.

Always pay attention who's going out of their way to tell you their side...

My best advice is to simply "know your own truth" and to be okay with that because if you're a good person, and you know you that you tried your best, there is really nothing more you can do. Honestly, the people that need to continually defend themselves publicly, or the people that need to go around spreading the story of how they were wronged, are usually the ones to blame because it's their insecurities driving their need to spread gossip.

It's unfortunate that we became a "throw away society" with not only goods, but worst, with people. I feel like MANY people simply don't see the value in fighting to keep a good relationship and instead follow the mentality of the dollar stores.. just cheaper to throw away and buy new for a dollar.

Take my latest breakup. We went from a love affair to a hate affair.. against me. She scorched earth with how awful I was, after years of saying how awesome I was..

You need to love YOU.

Am I perfect? Not even close and I'd never say I was. What I can say is that I kept my mouth shut (not easy I will be the first to admit) and let her talk which only helped me and my channel: Not A Pour Decision. The more she talked, the more people would look me up and watch my content which essentially just drove more traffic. I'm not going to say that staying quiet was easy because it certainly WAS NOT. But, I was confident in my own body and with my decisions to know that it simply wasn't true and anyone that REALLY knew me, would see different. And I was right because when you know your own worth, your life will change for the better.

Looking back now, months later, I could thank her for talking so much shit about me because she made me more infamous, because, "Long after they remember why, they remember who". Remember and trust in that.

Let them talk, it will help you in the end.

And remember, if all fails and YOU can't save the relationship, consider looking at it differently... not by necessarily jumping out the window:

When one door closes...

Ps- I'm NEVER ok with anyone staying in a toxic relationship, but I get it.. sometimes it takes times to build up your own confidence to get out.. Just remember, there is always a way out if you are willing to work at it:

Escape the bad! - Ben style

Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony