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The phrase no husband wants to hear

In relationships, partnerships & marriages, arguments happen. It's good to apologize, but you know the argument is not quite over if she says, "It's fine." And when she says "it's fine", from personal experience, it's really not! Worst

The phrase no husband wants to hear
Argument.. No, not us..

In relationships, partnerships & marriages, arguments happen. It's good to apologize, but you know the argument is not quite over if she says, "It's fine." And when she says "it's fine", from personal experience, it's really not!

Worst yet, if she stops talking to you, watch out, that's when the other person is giving up as they're usually tired of repeating the same thing to deaf ears. This could mean the beginning of the end.

Hearing crickets (silence) is not a good thing .. TRUST me.

But remember, you can only help someone that wants to be helped. YOU can ONLY control YOU.

Communication is key, but I also STRONGLY believe in chivalry and will do whatever it takes to keep my partner happy but remember, it's great to be an awesome person, but make sure your awesome is being appreciated and it's being reciprocated back to you.

Without reciprocation (basically not getting appreciation or your needs met), resentment will grow. When resentment grows, your mind becomes much more volatile and you will start allowing even the little things bother you which usually ends in huge blow out fights, breaks up, cheating or worst.

If they're still "yelling" , it means they still care.

So talk, and talk often.. don't sweat the little things, instead appreciate the little things because at the end of the day, we all just want to be needed and wanted...

Ps- Enjoy some funnies about our wives always being right... come on, we can still play off some stereotypes can't we?

When YOU don't think your wife is the boss..

We all heard the old saying "Happy Wife, Happy Life", well while in Florida with my "wife" at the time, I proved this to my son which I feel is right as I still believe in chivalry... Be kind, honest and helpful, being a good person, makes you a good example:

Happy wife, Happy life.

Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony