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Slow and steady wins the race?

I've always said it, we are all different and beautiful in our own way. Some of us might look, act or even speak differently than others, but I'd never wish for it to be any other way! If were all the same, wouldn't the

Slow and steady wins the race?
Not the rabbit and hare but close enough...

I've always said it, we are all different and beautiful in our own way. Some of us might look, act or even speak differently than others, but I'd never wish for it to be any other way!

If were all the same, wouldn't the world be a more boring place? Imagine that we all liked the same things to eat, the same people, the same sports teams etc... Wouldn't we all be bored of each other? It would be like you non-stop talking to yourself... what new things could we learn?

I'd never have it any other way.

So instead of judging each other, why not try to embrace it instead? Wouldn't that lead to a better world? Accepting people's differences starts with yourself. You put out what you want in the world.

Want positive? Look inwards and work on yourself because knowing your worth is where it starts. The universe is listening so if you want to be positive and happy, start with being positive and happy with others and the rest will follow.

Ps- Never judge others that move at a different pace than you. At least they are going somewhere. Say hello, be kind and be positive. If they need help - give them a hand, not for karma, but for you. Karma will catch up with you, it always does.

Slow and steady might need some help!

Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony