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I make pour decisions all the time. Sign up to get notifications about my latest pour decisions and backyard bar shenanigans.

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Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony

Pour Decisions.. we all make them.

Pour Decisions should be my middle name... how much does it cost to change your middle name anyways? But let's face it, we all make "Pour Decisions" and the "POUR" is spelt like that on purpose to match the NAME Of my bar in

Pour Decisions.. we all make them.
The actual Pour Decisions Bar sign.

Pour Decisions should be my middle name... how much does it cost to change your middle name anyways? But let's face it, we all make "Pour Decisions" and the "POUR" is spelt like that on purpose to match the NAME Of my bar in my backyard :).

But in all seriousness, I try to make fun of a difficult situations and even try to put a good, positive message in there... ENJOY!

But I'm a TRUE believer that we learn from our mistakes and that's what life is all about. Without the bad, how will we ever learn what's good?

And remember, when life gives you lemons... :

Just don't tell the ex that I used her blender

I truly believe everything happens for a reason but I think at times we tend to influence them to happen ... like this one:

Sometimes we are just pre-disposed to them!

I'm all about having fun, but under no circumstance would I consider this fun... but hey, who am I to judge?

I believe in fate but sometimes we just make Pour Decisions...

We know why this happened, because Ace Ventura would do ANYTHING for any animal... imagine if we could all be the same for other humans? What a different world we would have!

Pour Decisions and Jim Carrey... come on.. that goes together like horse and carriage.

Winnie the Poo, I always thought you made good decisions but seems like you came over to the dark side and joined the Pour Decisions crew ... I welcome you with open arms!

Winnie the Poo ... even you? WTF?

I guess animals can even make Pour Decisions... Aren't we descendants of apes anyways?

Animals even make Pour Decisions.

When you know your own worth and are ok with being you (whatever that is), you will live a different life of complete freedom because you will be FINALLY living for you!

Be Free, be YOU!

We all judge, but it's the people that don't treat you differently are the true gems. So go out and be you and don't worry so much about what others think because they're only projecting their own insecurities on you!

Judgement ... who need's it?

I'm all about fun, but unlike the sold kids song goes, I would NEVER go "catch a tiger by their tail"... or would I?

Take like by the tail they said...

Always do your best at whatever the task is. Nothing worthwhile is easy, especially trying to piss off your HOA 😼

Halloween fun

If you don't take risks, you will never get any reward and there is no other more direct way to say that then to show it below... I don't know how we could push any envelope farther than body surfing or planking on a tiger.

Don't let Pour Decisions get in the way of having fun!

And a bonus tip, if ever in a fight with your GF/Wife, follow my advice: (maybe don't actually... LOL)

Instant solution to any fight with your girlfriend and/or wife. Do NOT try at home 😄

Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony