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Good riddance mattress memories

Sometimes you have to go to extremes to get someone's attention. But, if you are using Facebook as a way to get your partner's attention - you have bigger problems. You relationship is probably already headed to the dump. Why am I saying this? Because when

Good riddance mattress memories
Thanks for the good times?

Sometimes you have to go to extremes to get someone's attention. But, if you are using Facebook as a way to get your partner's attention - you have bigger problems. You relationship is probably already headed to the dump.

Why am I saying this? Because when your partner (or ex partner for that matter) uses any social media to post negatively about you, themselves or really anything for that matter, they are ultimately looking for external validation. They are looking for someone to tell them "they're good enough" or that "they're correct".

Self love. Where it needs to start.

Looking for validation on social media is actually pretty common and is driven by ones own insecurities. This person usually doesn't feel "good enough" and looks to social media to get that validation. These cry's for help come in many different shapes and sizes.

Some of the many forms of validation and cry's for help.

In no way am I discounting anyone's feelings because at the core we ALL want to feel good enough and wanted. But these feelings should come from YOU loving YOU because that is where it starts.

So many of us look to our partners, others and even social media for that validation when it should start with ourselves. Until we TRULY love ourselves, we will continue to look for external validation which can be dangerous as not everyone has the same good intentions as you.

Ps - Need a laugh, classic example of what you should NOT do:

Mattress - let er burn!

Oh, and if you want to see the FULL story of the "burning mattress", see:

Why the fire department visited my latest Pour Decisions.

Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony