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Even famous people visit Pour Decisions Bar!

Ok. well not really, but we've had some fun pretending that famous people visited the Pour Decisions bar... here are some of Bronx's and I's favorite ones: Who doesn't love Forest Gump? He's here to give you all some love

Even famous people visit Pour Decisions Bar!
Famous or kind of famous... this is their stories..

Ok. well not really, but we've had some fun pretending that famous people visited the Pour Decisions bar... here are some of Bronx's and I's favorite ones:

Who doesn't love Forest Gump? He's here to give you all some love advice:

Love is like a box of chocolates...

How can we forget the visit from President Biden and his son Hunter! (I'm ZERO political.. just here for the laughs)

Hunter Biden, I think your forgot something!

Well, Taylor Swift never made an official appearance, we still did use her for some fun with my neighbors.

Taylor I blame you! jk

With me and Bronx being Canadian, how could we not invite Mr. Justin Trudeau, our prime minister of Canada to the Pour Decisions bar after he announced his separation?

No one likes Daylight savings time (I think anyways), so we thought we'd get help from Cher to express our displeasure :)

Cher, I love you... Just like Jesse James

Aliens? Yup, I'm pretty sure a UFO landed at the Pour Decisions Bar, which explains those mysterious lights:

I blame the UFO's

And who doesn't love Harry Potter? I even read all the books!

Harry Potter - Love the voice!

William Wallace from Braveheart even stopped by as he was tired of the divorce game:

Thanks William Wallace for the support!

Who doesn't like the "I like Turtles" kid? Well, he even made a guest appearance:

I like Turtles - re-done :)

One of my childhood hero's Leonardo from Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles even showed up to deliver the pizza & divorce I ordered:

Leo, you're the best turtle by far!

We all know who Barbie is right? Well, she wanted her own cameo and got it at Pour Decisions bar.... She can surely be mean...

I'm a Barbie girl ...

Charlie Brown, one of my favorites also called into the Pour Decisions bar to help me out with my skits:

Charlie Brown I love how you listen!

A legend to say the least, Bon Jovi, graced me with some great advice as part of one of his popular songs, Livin' on a Prayer...

Maybe not as famous, but this TRUE STORY celebrity surely gave people a scare in Australia.... This spider was feared to give men permanent boners!

Based on a TRUE Story - Seriously - the Boner Spider of Australia

Calling out my hero, Snoop Dogg to come visit.. if anyone knows him, please tell him I'd love to be graced with his presence.

Calling Snoop Dog!

Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony