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Ben's Favorite videos from the early days

Here are 5 of my favorite video shorts from the first couple months of launching Not a Pour Decision.

Ben's Favorite videos from the early days
How so much has changed in 10 months.

I launched Not A Pour Decisions on April 1st, 2023 with the goal to spread kindness, laughter and self worth.

And WOW has it been a ride... so enjoy some of my favorite video shorts I did in the first months of launching... and OH, don't mind the quality as I, like a dumb ass, was using my phone's "selfie camera"... lol.. Yes seriously....

Video 1: The dreaded message bubbles:

Who hasn't gotten into a text battle with a spouse or partner and had some anxiety as those awful message bubbles just kept lingering:

The dreaded message bubble. Text battles at their best

Video 2: Dating in your 30s, 40s & 50s +

I don't think this funny representation of dating in your mid life is that far off from reality to be honest. It seems as we get older, more and more broken people are simply jumping into new relationships without trying to first fix themselves from past issues.

A funny representation of dating in your mid life.

Video 3: Don't try this at home... especially if she's pissed off

I'm no super hero and nor do I really suggest you try this... unless you partner is pretty cool and into jokes... and maybe even in that case, don't... lol... well, if you do, let me know how it turned out as I'm always looking for a laugh as well.

When she's super angry, try this... (maybe)

Video 4: Plenty of fish in the sea (or ocean)

I've said this many times, if you have something (or someone ) good, work on it! Because the grass is ONLY green where you water it, and the sea, that is supposedly "full of fish".. well, seems to me to be a bit polluted:

Plenty of something in that dating sea...

Video 5: Divorced Barbie

I've told this joke for so many years, that I don't even remember where I heard it from! But either way, it's one of my favorites and it includes one of my favorite places on earth as a kid, ToysRus ... enjoy!

Toysrus - my favorite place on earth as a kid.

Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony