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12 Days of Pour Decisions

Bronx and I LOVE, and I mean "LOVE, LOVE, LOVE" Christmas... so we thought why not bring some cheer to everyone by taking you all caroling with me, Ben, the man that makes all the Pour Decisions (and gets married too many times as well). So I created

12 Days of Pour Decisions
You won't want to miss this new Christmas Carol.

Bronx and I LOVE, and I mean "LOVE, LOVE, LOVE" Christmas... so we thought why not bring some cheer to everyone by taking you all caroling with me, Ben, the man that makes all the Pour Decisions (and gets married too many times as well).

So I created a NEW Christmas Carol, which I have created 13 separate videos for. Each of the 12 days has it's own unique video short (below) with the FULL, re-mastered version, also available as the 13th video of the series...

Hope you enjoy the NEW version of the 12 days of Pour Decisions. x0xo Ben & Bronx.

Day 1- 12 days of Pour Decisions, a new Christmas carol by yours truly:

Day 1 - 12 Days of Pour Decisions. A new Christmas Carol.

Day 2- 12 days of Pour Decisions, a new Christmas carol by yours truly:

Day 2 - 12 Days of Pour Decisions. A new Christmas Carol.

Day 3- 12 days of Pour Decisions, a new Christmas carol by yours truly:

Day 3 - 12 Days of Pour Decisions. A new Christmas Carol.

Day 4 - 12 days of Pour Decisions, a new Christmas carol by yours truly:

Day 4 - 12 Days of Pour Decisions. A new Christmas Carol.

Day 5 - 12 days of Pour Decisions, a new Christmas carol by yours truly:

Day 5 - 12 Days of Pour Decisions. A new Christmas Carol.

Day 6 - 12 days of Pour Decisions, a new Christmas carol by yours truly:

Day 6 - 12 Days of Pour Decisions. A new Christmas Carol.

As a bonus, What NOT to do at your Xmas party... even if your boss' wife cuts the holiday bonus checks:

Don't do it!

Day 7 - 12 days of Pour Decisions, a new Christmas carol by yours truly:

Day 7 - 12 Days of Pour Decisions. A new Christmas Carol.

Day 8 - 12 days of Pour Decisions, a new Christmas carol by yours truly:

Day 8 - 12 Days of Pour Decisions. A new Christmas Carol.

BONUS: A new version "Baby it's cold outside" - By me... the crazy Canadian:

Baby it's cold out, eat your heart out... and no wonder why it was banned!

Day 9 - 12 days of Pour Decisions, a new Christmas carol by yours truly:

Day 9 - 12 Days of Pour Decisions. A new Christmas Carol.

Day 10 - 12 days of Pour Decisions, a new Christmas carol by yours truly:

Day 10 - 12 Days of Pour Decisions. A new Christmas Carol.

Day 11 - 12 days of Pour Decisions, a new Christmas carol by yours truly:

Day 11 - 12 Days of Pour Decisions. A new Christmas Carol.

Day 12 - 12 days of Pour Decisions, a new Christmas carol by yours truly:

Day 12- 12 Days of Pour Decisions. A new Christmas Carol.

The FULL version of: 12 days of Pour Decisions:

The FULL 12 Days of Pour Decisions. A new Christmas Carol. - RE-MASTERED

Merry Christmas you filthy animals.. Ben loves Home alone so he thought why not spread some Christmas cheer with it:

Merry Christmas - Home Alone style.

As a bonus, here are some Christmas themed videos from the year.

The Grinch visits the Pour Decisions bar:

Damn you Grinch...

Always be positive, believe it or not, we all have a reason to be happy:

Why you should feel it's Christmas each day!

I might have been a bit too trigger happy on this one because I released a Halloween/Christmas video way too early... I think it was in August.. I blame the legal, devil's lettuce that's available in Canada.

If Christmas and Halloween were one holiday

I do wonder if all of us do have a bit of jealousy in us? Surely, I do and I'd debate that a little bit of jealousy is a good thing as it shows we care?

Christmas and Jealousy go so nice together...

Ben Anthony profile image Ben Anthony